I am broadly and highly erudite adjunct professor of political science. I have worked as academic researcher and teacher from the year 1995 as well as directed several organizations. I am good writer, applauded lecturer and responsible organizer. Outside work I am family man from Töölö, Helsinki.
Current position
- Executive director Hietsun Paviljonki.
- Adjunct Professor (Title of Docent) at the University of Helsinki.
- Part-time teacher University of Turku; City of Helsinki. Finnish Adult Education Centre.
- Independent researcher funded by Koneen säätiö
Working experience
Executive director 2019-
- Kiinteistö Oy Töölön Kylätalon Hietsu
Academic Researcher (1995-2021)
- University of Helsinki, University of Jyväskylä, University of Genova, Finnish Academy.
Academic Teacher (1995-2021)
- University of Jyväskylä, Politics (2017-2018)
- University of Helsinki: Politics, World-politics (2004-2009)
- Docent teaching: University of Helsinki (2013-2018)
- Part-time teacher: University of Helsinki (1995-2013)
Visiting teacher (1995-2018)
- University of Turku, Aalto University, University of Art, Open University, Helsinki City Adult Education.
Linguistic skills:
- Finnish (mother tongue), English, Swedish (good), Russian (fair)
- Reading: French (good), Italian, Classical Greek, Latin, German (basics).
- Finnish Research Association c. 440 000€
- Other Associations c. 224 000€
- Personal grants c. 123 400€
- Other research funding c. 300 000€
- Member of the Year Award 2017. Finnish Research Association.
- Award for the best Masters Theses. National Association of Political Science 1996.
- Writer Award. Literary journal Nuori Voima. 1996.
- Award for the best Masters Theses. Faculty of Social Sciences. University of Helsinki
- Knowledge: Collecting, structuring, assimilating
- Thinking: Understanding, reasoning, conceptualizing
- Expression: Articulation, argumentation, wit.
- Communication: Writing, performance, visualization
- Leadership: Organizing, strategy, implementation
- Innovation: Ideas, differentiation, novelty.
- Character: Openness, responsibility, criticality, courage
- Title of docent. Political science. University of Helsinki 27.5. 2013.
- D. Soc. Sc. in Political Science. University of Helsinki, 2012.
- Master in Social Sciences. University of Helsinki, 4 October 1995.
- Practical training in state administration. Ministry for Foreign Affairs. Department for Communications and Culture 1992
- MA studies in political science, philosophy and sociology at the University of Edinburgh 1990-1991.
- Secondary education: Tapiola Upper Secondary School 1988.
Leadership & organizations
- Chairmen (2005-2015). Vice Chairman (1998-2001) and Member (1996-2017) of the Executive Board 1996-2017. Finnish Association of Researchers.
- Chairmen (2017- ) and Member (2013-2017) of the Board. Töölön kaupunginosat – Töölö ry.
- Member (2017- ) of the Board. Real Estate Corporation Töölön Kylätalon Hietsu.
- Member (2018- ) of the Board. Central Finland Real Estate Federation.
- Member of The Board and secretary (2012-2013). Finland’s Housing Company Shareholder Association.
- Member of the Board. Summa publishing house 2001-2006.
- Chairmen (2017- ) and Member (1997-2009, 2017-) of the Board. As Oy Mechelin.
Publications and public appearances
- Over 100 publications related to society, politics, culture, art and philosophy
- Numerous public presentations and appearances
Positions of Trust
- Lay Judge. Helsinki District Court. 2013-.
- Member of the Editorial board. Tiede ja edistys. [Interdisciplinary critical science journal.] 1998-2021.
- Member of the editorial board in the publishing house Tutkijaliitto 1995-2017.
- Representative of Association of Researchers in The Federation of Finnish Learned Societies 2011-2014.
- Representative of Association in Finnish Civic Association for Adult Learning 2014-2015.
- Several Positions of Trust in Student Organizations 1989-1992.